Poems, Thoughts and Inspirations

Here you are going to find my thoughts. You may agree with them, you may not, but it’s all good. If we all thought alike, what a boring world we would live in.

Great Reads

From time to time I would like to feature books from others that changed my life. If you’d like to find them, please follow the link provided.  

In The Beginning

In the beginning God created the heavens and the earth…

Whoa, whoa whoa. Wait just a minute there. So you’re telling me that in the beginning there was nothing. No heavens, no earth, nothing?

That’s right. Nothing, no thing. God created it all.

How is that even possible? I mean, What did he create it out of if there were nothing? What material did he use to create everything if there was nothing?

To God, all things are possible. Nothing is impossible. With God, all things are possible.

Well I’ve got a little problem with that. If there was nothing at all, where did God come from? How do you know god’s a “He” for that matter? God had to exist somewhere, some how, Right? There had to be something for God to exist at all. Even if god is all powerful, God had to come from somewhere!

The Bear


Today while I was giving my oldest daughter a ride to work, she noticed a black bear along the side of the road that had been hit and killed by a vehicle. I thought about this poor creature and decided that I would look for it on the way home. I stopped when I found where it was, got out of my car and gave the beast a small blessing. It is sad that the life of this beautiful animal was brought up short because of an accident.

Take Five

I just stepped outside for a moment. It’s raining and overcast. To some this might be a day ruined by the weather. That’s not what I saw. I saw the air and the ground being cleansed. I saw the rain bringing beautiful colors to our autumn foliage. I looked at the trees that are beginning to change now and saw the


After years of programming our minds with social beliefs, we end up accepting destiny and becoming what others expected us to be, even though we’re unhappy about it.

Robin Sacredfire

We’ve been programmed from birth by the very people we loved and trusted the most. Our parents, our teachers, our clergy, and here’s the thing, they all did it because they…