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After years of programming our minds with social beliefs, we end up accepting destiny and becoming what others expected us to be, even though we’re unhappy about it.

Robin Sacredfire

We’ve been programmed from birth by the very people we loved and trusted the most. Our parents, our teachers, our clergy, and here’s the thing, they all did it because they thought they were doing it in our best interest. It’s what they believed to be true and right. The same thing was done to them from the time they were born. All by well-meaning people who just thought they were helping us to become productive members of society. We’ve been robbed. Robbed of our ability to think and feel for ourselves. Robbed of our ability to know who and what we really are, to know why we are here. Robbed of the true meaning of life.

We are all a part of the Universal Consciousness, a small piece of Source itself, indeed, a piece of God! When we agreed to be born into this physical, material world, we came to be creators. We came to experience the Universe, to experience Source, to experience… ourselves. We came as a part of the Universe, to experience the Universe, to learn and grow, to create. As infants, the knowledge and memories of who and what we truly are was still intact within the human form. As we grew, the memories faded and were replaced with the expectations of what society wanted us to be.

Now it is up to us to find our way back to our true selves, back to the Devine. We are the creators of the Universe. The Universe creating itself. Source building Source, ever expanding, learning, growing.

We are God, creating God!