I just stepped outside for a moment. It’s raining and overcast. To some this might be a day ruined by the weather. That’s not what I saw. I saw the air and the ground being cleansed. I saw the rain bringing beautiful colors to our autumn foliage. I looked at the trees that are beginning to change now and saw the beautiful colors that are starting to show. Even in their death the leaves are showing their beauty and gratitude to Source. What I saw on the damp autumn day was the abundant Universe doing exactly what it is meant to do, and it is doing it all for me! Just me! I’m not talking about the “me” you see when I’m standing in front of you. Not the suit of flesh and bone. That is just my environmental suit that I am using to experience this wonderful, magnificent, abundant physical Universe. I’m talking about the soul that resides within this body during this trip into the physical. It’s the same soul that resides in you too, all connected at Source. The body that you call you is no more than the suit you need to be here in this physical. Just as an astronaut needs a suit to experience space or a diver need the proper gear to experience the depths, we need these bodies to gain the full wonder of this physical Universe. Now take five minutes out of your busy, stressful day and enjoy the wonder and abundance that surrounds you every second.
That is the true reason you are here. To learn, to grow, to experience this wonderful Universe. God (The Universe) created you in its image. Not your body. That’s not you, but your soul. That is the image of God, indeed a piece of the creator itself. You came here for the wonderment and excitement! Not to stress over every little detail that you think is going wrong. Stop what you’re doing for five minutes and just enjoy the ride. Say thank you for all the little things in your life. In the end you’re going to look back and realize that it was the little things that were important. The smile of a friend, the touch of a lover, the laughter of a child as it plays. The smell of the autumn air, the color of the leaves. Even the rain that is falling is a blessing. Appreciate it and give thanks. You can thank me later. Peace and love is what you are. Find that and you will find you true happiness.
Roger my friend ..thank you for sharing this is amazing.. and you should write a book..i know it comes from your heart.. mind ..and soul ..keep it up ..you have a great talent here 🙏🎶🎸🎵😁
Thank you Brian. The book is in the works.